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Missions Outreach

The Church of Jesus Christ was birthed on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Peter and the disciples established the church and grew in size and influence. After the Jerusalem Church was designated, the mandate that Jesus said forth to his disciples to go into all the world was actuated by the Antioch Church. The Holy Spirit spoke and called Saul and Barnabas to missionary work, spreading the gospel to the ends of the Earth.

The founder's vision, Dr. D.L. Browning, was the same as the first century Church. He planted a fellowship of spirit-filled ministers with the same passion for reaching worldwide with the good news. After 50 years of ministry, KFI still has a “strong heart” and “burning compassion” for the world’s lost souls. We are reminded that “untold millions are still untold.” Therefore we are determined to fervently pioneer new fields of ministry in every country God permits and provides. Our priority is locating national pastors and assisting them in starting Bible institutes and colleges that effectively train National missionaries to reach their nation for Christ.

We are in constant pursuit to “partner” with like-minded Ministries to assist them through establishing non-profit status, networking with ministers and churches for support, and offering resources. Missionaries are encouraged to attend our annual world convention to share their stories and connect with ministers and churches who share the same vision. We invite foreign missionaries to participate in the world convention, and we pay for their room and food through the Shunammite fund. Our purpose is to minister strength, give encouragement and allow them to tell their story.

KFI partners with foreign ministers in offering International and regional conferences for fellowship, encouragement, instruction, and connections. We have over 1,700 ministers in 51 countries who have established churches, Bible colleges, orphanages, medical clinics, Evangelical outrages, and food distributions.

Missions are in our life's blood and central focus. We exist to spread the gospel around the world. So the task is a vital part of who we are. Much of our time, talent, and treasure are invested in missions. If you are missions minded, you belong here.

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Kingsway Fellowship International


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